I’d be lost without my OneLife ICE ID bracelet by Clair Glen

Apr 26 2017

On my 18th birthday I received a moped as a gift. This gave me the perfect opportunity to travel further afield to work and social meets. However with this gift came dangers (being a 4"1, 8 and a half stone girl my mother wasn't exactly pleased with my new gift).

This gave my parents the perfect opportunity to get me a OneLife iD emergency ID bracelet. 

Unfortunately, on the 10th September 2016, the unthinkable happened. I had a very serious accident on my moped when traveling home from work.

The rain poured and poured, I could feel the motorbike wasn't happy in the wet, then suddenly I lost control.

In the accident the bike skidded from underneath me and I was thrown roughly 3 metres down a junction. I was rushed to hospital and later found I had fractures to my L1 and C2 vertebrae (neck and spinal fractures), also my sternum (chest bone).

At the time of the accident people rushed to my side to try and help me but due to the amount of pain I was in I struggled to tell anybody who I was or where I had come from. Luckily they spotted my OneLife iD emergency bracelet (Squadra ID in pink and black) Click to view the Squadra iD. on my wrist. This bracelet had my full name and contact numbers for both my mum and my dad. The passers by were able to contact my family directly and find all the information they needed to give me the correct pain relief and get me to hospital as quickly as possible. 

Without my Squadra medical iD bracelet nobody would have known my name and my parents wouldn't have been informed about my motorbike accident until much later, leaving them worrying when I didn't return home.

It also helped the paramedics find out about my codeine allergy before it was too late. Potentially saving my life! 

I own three OneLife iD bracelets (in various colours) with them being cut to size they are great for everyone! I wear my OneLife iD wristband everywhere I go and often receive comments on how fashionable they look.

I also have keyrings attached to my keys (also helpful if I lose my keys) Click to view the MiniTag ID key ring tags  and a small ID tag which slides onto the wrist strap of my Fitbit Click to view the Fitbit ID Tags. Which is great when I don't want too many things on my wrist at one time. 

I have and would 100% recommend this company and all their items to friends and family. It's a fantastic idea and helped me when I needed it most!

I think everybody should have an item from OneLife iD.


Do you carry ID, If not, will you consider doing so now?

If you want to know what to put on your ID tag or ID wristband then Click to find out more

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